Fix GPS Signal Not Found Errors in Apps

Did you know that a significant number of mobile app users experience GPS Signal Not Found errors while using location-based apps? These errors can occur on both Android and iOS devices, causing frustration and hindering the functionality of apps like Pokémon Go. Fortunately, there are effective methods to troubleshoot and resolve GPS Signal Not Found errors in mobile apps.

In this article, we will provide proven strategies to help you troubleshoot and fix GPS Signal Not Found errors in your favorite mobile apps. Whether you’re navigating through a city, playing location-based games, or simply relying on GPS for daily activities, it’s crucial to have a reliable GPS signal.

Key Takeaways:

  • GPS Signal Not Found errors can occur on both Android and iOS devices, impacting the functionality of location-based apps.
  • Common causes of GPS Signal Not Found errors include unstable internet connection, disabled location services, app loading issues, outdated or corrupted app versions, and the use of mock location apps.
  • Restarting the app, updating or reinstalling the app, resetting location settings, turning off mock location feature, restarting your smartphone, toggling airplane mode, and resetting network settings are some of the methods to fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on Android devices.
  • For iOS users, fixing GPS Signal Not Found errors involves restarting the app, updating the app, resetting location settings, and using a location spoofing tool.
  • Regularly updating apps and firmware, and using the GPS Status and Toolbox App can enhance GPS performance and mitigate Signal Not Found errors.

Common Reasons for GPS Signal Not Found Errors

Before attempting to fix GPS Signal Not Found errors, it is important to understand the common reasons behind these errors. Some of the common reasons include:

  1. Unstable internet connection
  2. Disabled or malfunctioning location services
  3. App loading issues
  4. Outdated or corrupted app versions
  5. Use of mock location apps

Identifying the specific reason for the GPS Signal Not Found error can help in implementing the appropriate solution.

When encountering GPS Signal Not Found errors in mobile apps, it’s frustrating to not have accurate location information. To fix these errors, it’s essential to determine the root cause. Understanding the common reasons behind GPS Signal Not Found errors is the first step towards resolving them. Some of these reasons include an unstable internet connection, disabled or malfunctioning location services, app loading issues, outdated or corrupted app versions, and the use of mock location apps.

An unstable internet connection can hinder the app’s ability to establish a connection with the GPS satellites. This can result in the GPS Signal Not Found error. Additionally, if the location services on your device are disabled or not functioning properly, the app may not be able to access your device’s GPS data, leading to the error.

App loading issues can also contribute to GPS Signal Not Found errors. If the app fails to load properly or encounters errors during the startup process, it may not be able to establish a connection with the GPS system, resulting in the error message.

Outdated or corrupted app versions can interfere with the app’s GPS functionality. It is important to regularly update your apps to ensure that you have the latest bug fixes and improvements that can address any issues related to GPS Signal Not Found errors.

Lastly, the use of mock location apps, which simulate GPS coordinates, can cause conflicts with the app’s GPS system. These apps are often used for location spoofing purposes, but they can interfere with the proper functioning of location-based apps, leading to GPS Signal Not Found errors.

By identifying the specific reason for the GPS Signal Not Found error, you can take appropriate steps to resolve the issue and enjoy uninterrupted GPS functionality on your mobile apps.

How to Fix GPS Signal Not Found Errors on Android

If you are experiencing GPS Signal Not Found errors on your Android device, there are several methods you can try to resolve the issue. These methods are proven to be effective in troubleshooting GPS signal errors and getting your location-based apps back on track.

1. Restart the App

One of the simplest and most effective solutions is to restart the app that is showing the GPS Signal Not Found error. Close the app completely and then launch it again to see if the error persists.

2. Update or Reinstall the App

Outdated or corrupted versions of the app can also cause GPS Signal Not Found errors. Ensure that you have the latest version of the app installed on your Android device. If the error persists, try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it from the official app store.

3. Reset Location Settings

In some cases, incorrect location settings can interfere with the GPS signal. To fix this, go to your device’s settings, navigate to the location settings, and reset them to their default values. This can help restore the proper functioning of GPS on your Android device.

4. Turn off Mock Location Feature

If you have enabled the mock location feature on your Android device for testing or other purposes, it can disrupt the GPS signal for apps. Disable the mock location feature in your device settings and check if the GPS Signal Not Found error is resolved.

5. Restart Your Smartphone

A simple restart of your Android device can sometimes resolve GPS signal errors. Restart your smartphone and see if the GPS Signal Not Found error persists after the reboot.

6. Toggle Airplane Mode

Toggling the airplane mode on and off can help refresh the device’s network connection and resolve GPS signal issues. Turn on the airplane mode in your device settings, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it off. Check if the GPS Signal Not Found error is resolved.

7. Reset Network Settings

If none of the above methods work, you can try resetting your network settings. This will clear any network-related issues that might be affecting the GPS signal on your Android device. Go to your device’s settings, navigate to the network settings, and choose the option to reset network settings. After the reset, check if the GPS Signal Not Found error is resolved.

By following these methods, you can fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on your Android device and enjoy a smooth and accurate GPS experience with your favorite location-based apps.

fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on Android

How to Fix GPS Signal Not Found Errors on iOS Devices

iOS users can also troubleshoot and fix GPS Signal Not Found errors in a similar manner. Follow these methods to overcome GPS Signal Not Found errors on your iOS device:

  1. Restart the app: Close the app completely and then open it again. This simple step can often resolve GPS Signal Not Found errors.
  2. Update the app: Make sure you have the latest version of the app installed on your device. App updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can address GPS-related issues.
  3. Reset the location settings: Go to your device’s Settings, select Privacy, then Location Services. Toggle off Location Services, wait for a few seconds, and then toggle it back on. This can help refresh the GPS functionality on your device.
  4. Use a location spoofing tool: In some cases, using a location spoofing tool can help fix GPS Signal Not Found errors. These tools allow you to simulate a different GPS location, which can help resolve issues with the GPS signal. However, use location spoofing responsibly and in compliance with legal regulations.

By following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on your iOS device.

Restarting Your Device as a Solution

Sometimes a simple restart of your device can resolve GPS Signal Not Found errors. By restarting the device, you can refresh the system and clear any temporary bugs or glitches that might be affecting the GPS functionality. It is a quick and effective solution that can be tried before implementing other troubleshooting methods.

When you restart your device, it shuts down all running processes and starts fresh, which can help resolve any software conflicts that may be causing the GPS Signal Not Found errors. Additionally, restarting your device also clears the cache, freeing up system resources and potentially improving the performance of the GPS functionality.

To restart your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the power button on your device.
  2. Select the “Restart” option from the menu that appears.
  3. Wait for your device to fully restart and then check if the GPS Signal Not Found error persists.

If you are using an iOS device, the process to restart it may vary depending on the model. Here are the general steps:

  1. Press and hold the power button or the side button along with the volume up or volume down button simultaneously.
  2. Slide the power off slider or use the on-screen prompt to shut down your device.
  3. Wait for a few seconds and then press and hold the power button or the side button again to turn it back on.
  4. Check if the GPS Signal Not Found error is resolved.

Remember that restarting your device is a simple and harmless troubleshooting step that can potentially fix GPS Signal Not Found errors. If the issue persists after restarting, you can proceed with other methods discussed in this article to further troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

Expert Tip:

Avoid using fake or unofficial restart apps or third-party tools, as they may cause more harm than good. Stick to the built-in restart options provided by your device’s operating system for a safe and effective restart.

restart device

Advantages of Restarting Your Device Disadvantages of Restarting Your Device
  • Refreshes the system and clears temporary bugs affecting GPS functionality.
  • Clears the cache, improving system resource allocation.
  • Temporary interruption of ongoing tasks and processes.
  • May require re-login or reconfiguration of certain settings.

Importance of Updating Apps and Firmware

The importance of updating your apps and firmware cannot be overstated when it comes to resolving GPS Signal Not Found errors. Regular updates often include bug fixes and improvements that specifically address issues related to GPS functionality. By keeping your apps and firmware up to date, you can ensure a smoother GPS performance and minimize the occurrence of GPS Signal Not Found errors.

To benefit from the latest updates and optimizations, it is essential to regularly check for updates for both your apps and device firmware. This proactive approach will help you stay ahead of any potential issues and ensure that you have the most stable and reliable GPS experience possible.

Updating your apps is usually a straightforward process. Most app stores provide automatic updates, but it’s wise to check for updates manually as well. Here’s how to update your apps:

  1. Open the app store on your device.
  2. Navigate to the “Updates” section.
  3. Tap on “Update” next to the app that requires an update.
  4. Wait for the update to download and install.

Updating your firmware might require a slightly different approach depending on the device and operating system. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Go to the settings menu on your device.
  2. Select “Software Update” or “System Updates.”
  3. Tap on “Check for Updates.”
  4. If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it.

By regularly updating your apps and firmware, you can stay on top of the latest advancements and improvements in GPS technology. This will not only help you fix GPS Signal Not Found errors but also enhance your overall GPS experience, making it more accurate, reliable, and efficient.

Using GPS Status and Toolbox App

When it comes to fixing GPS Signal Not Found errors, the GPS Status and Toolbox App is a valuable tool in your arsenal. This app offers a range of features that can help you resolve GPS connectivity issues and improve the accuracy of your location data.

The GPS Status and Toolbox App provides detailed information about your GPS settings, such as satellite signal strength, accuracy, and the number of satellites in view. This data can be instrumental in diagnosing and troubleshooting problems with your GPS connection.

One of the key features of this app is the ability to update Assisted GPS (A-GPS) data. A-GPS helps your device acquire GPS coordinates faster and more accurately by utilizing data from nearby cell towers and Wi-Fi networks. By updating this data regularly, you can enhance the performance of your GPS and minimize Signal Not Found errors.

Here’s how you can use the GPS Status and Toolbox App to fix GPS Signal Not Found errors:

  1. Download and install the GPS Status and Toolbox App from the Google Play Store or the App Store.
  2. Launch the app and grant the necessary permissions.
  3. Once the app is open, you’ll find a dashboard displaying essential GPS information.
  4. To update the A-GPS data, navigate to the app’s settings menu.
  5. Look for an option like “Update A-GPS” or “Download GPS data.”
  6. Select the option to update the A-GPS data, and wait for the process to complete.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your GPS data is up to date, which can result in better GPS performance and fewer Signal Not Found errors.

Benefits of using GPS Status and Toolbox App How it helps fix GPS Signal Not Found errors
Provides detailed GPS information Allows you to analyze GPS settings and diagnose connection issues
Enables A-GPS data updates Improves GPS performance by acquiring accurate location data
Offers additional features like compass and speedometer Enhances your overall navigation experience

Remember, the GPS Status and Toolbox App is just one of the many tools available to fix GPS Signal Not Found errors. If you’re still experiencing issues after updating the A-GPS data, be sure to explore other troubleshooting methods outlined in this article.

Fake GPS for App Testing or Location Spoofing

In some cases, you may need to fake your GPS location for app testing or location spoofing purposes. This can be achieved using specialized tools or apps that allow you to change your GPS coordinates.

App testing often requires simulating different geographic locations to ensure the app functions correctly in various regions. By using a fake GPS, you can test the app’s location-based features without physically being in different locations.

Location spoofing, on the other hand, involves altering your GPS location to deceive certain apps or services. However, it is essential to note that location spoofing for illegal activities or unauthorized access is not recommended and may have legal consequences.

Did You Know?

Fake GPS apps are commonly used for gaming purposes, allowing users to virtually move around different locations in games like Pokémon Go. These apps alter the GPS location reported to the game, providing players with the ability to catch Pokémon in various areas without physically being present there.

If you require a fake GPS for app testing or legitimate purposes, ensure that you use reputable and trusted tools to avoid any potential security risks or adverse consequences. Always abide by the terms and conditions of the app or service you are testing or using, and respect the privacy and security of others.

When using a fake GPS app, carefully follow the instructions provided by the app developers to set your desired location. These apps typically provide options to enter specific coordinates or select locations from a map interface. Ensure that you disable the fake GPS functionality when you no longer require it to avoid any unintended consequences.

Remember, while using a fake GPS for app testing or legitimate purposes can be helpful, it is important to use these tools responsibly and within the boundaries of the law.


In conclusion, dealing with GPS Signal Not Found errors in mobile apps can be frustrating, but there are effective troubleshooting methods available for both Android and iOS devices. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can resolve these errors and improve your GPS functionality.

Regular updates of your apps and firmware are crucial for addressing GPS Signal Not Found errors. Keeping your apps and device firmware up to date ensures that you have the latest bug fixes and improvements, which can positively impact your GPS performance.

Additionally, utilizing helpful tools such as the GPS Status and Toolbox App can further enhance your GPS experience. This app offers useful features like updating Assisted GPS (A-GPS) data, improving the accuracy and reliability of your GPS signals.

By implementing the strategies suggested in this article, you can overcome GPS Signal Not Found errors and enjoy seamless navigation on your mobile apps. Remember to stay updated, use helpful tools, and troubleshoot any issues effectively to ensure a smooth and hassle-free GPS experience.


What are the common reasons for GPS Signal Not Found errors?

The common reasons for GPS Signal Not Found errors include an unstable internet connection, disabled or malfunctioning location services, app loading issues, outdated or corrupted app versions, and the use of mock location apps.

How can I fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on Android?

To fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on Android, you can try restarting the app, updating or reinstalling the app, resetting the location settings, turning off the mock location feature, restarting the smartphone, toggling airplane mode, or resetting network settings.

How can I fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on iOS devices?

To fix GPS Signal Not Found errors on iOS devices, you can try restarting the app, updating the app, resetting the location settings, or using a location spoofing tool.

Can restarting my device resolve GPS Signal Not Found errors?

Yes, sometimes a simple restart of your device can resolve GPS Signal Not Found errors by refreshing the system and clearing any temporary bugs or glitches that might be affecting the GPS functionality.

How important is it to update apps and firmware to fix GPS Signal Not Found errors?

It is crucial to regularly update your apps and firmware to fix GPS Signal Not Found errors as updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can address issues related to GPS functionality.

Can the GPS Status and Toolbox App help in fixing GPS Signal Not Found errors?

Yes, the GPS Status and Toolbox App is a useful tool for fixing GPS Signal Not Found errors as it provides information about GPS settings and allows you to update Assisted GPS (A-GPS) data, which enhances GPS performance.

Is faking GPS location recommended for app testing or location spoofing?

Faking GPS location for app testing or location spoofing can be done using certain tools or apps, but it is important to note that it is not recommended for illegal activities or unauthorized access, as it may have legal consequences.

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