Essential Disaster Recovery & Backup Error Fixes

Did you know that data backup failures cost businesses an estimated $1.7 trillion globally each year? That’s a staggering amount of financial loss and operational disruptions caused by inadequate disaster recovery and backup error solutions.

In today’s digital landscape, where data is the lifeblood of organizations, having a robust recovery plan implementation and effective disaster recovery strategies are critical to mitigate the risks of data loss and minimize business downtime. Whether it’s a hardware failure, human error, or a cybersecurity breach, being prepared with backup and restore solutions and error prevention techniques can make all the difference in safeguarding your valuable data and ensuring business continuity.

In this article, we will explore the importance of disaster recovery planning, delve into common backup errors, and provide actionable steps and best practices to troubleshoot and fix them. By implementing these essential disaster recovery and backup error fixes, you can fortify your data protection strategy and be better prepared to navigate the challenges that may come your way.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data backup failures cost businesses $1.7 trillion annually.
  • A robust recovery plan and effective disaster recovery strategies are crucial for data protection and business continuity.
  • Backup and restore solutions and error prevention techniques play a vital role in minimizing data loss and operational disruptions.
  • This article provides actionable steps and best practices to troubleshoot and fix common backup errors.
  • By implementing these essential disaster recovery and backup error fixes, you can enhance your data protection strategy and ensure business resilience.

What is a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)?

A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a structured approach that outlines how your organization can quickly recover and resume work after an unplanned incident. It is an essential part of a business continuity plan (BCP) and focuses on the aspects of your organization that depend on a functioning IT infrastructure.

A DRP aims to resolve data loss and recover system functionality to ensure your business operations can continue, even at a minimal level. It involves steps to analyze your business processes, perform a business impact analysis (BIA), and risk analysis (RA) to identify potential vulnerabilities and establish recovery objectives.

By having a comprehensive DRP in place, you can minimize the impact of an incident on your business and ensure that critical systems and data can be quickly restored. This not only helps protect your organization from potential financial losses due to downtime but also helps maintain customer trust and loyalty.

Benefits of a Disaster Recovery Plan

A well-designed and properly implemented disaster recovery plan offers several benefits, including:

  1. Data recovery: The primary goal of a DRP is to recover lost or corrupted data. By having a plan in place, you can ensure that your organization can recover data quickly and efficiently, minimizing the potential for data loss.
  2. System functionality: A DRP helps your organization restore system functionality in the event of an incident. This means that critical applications and services can be brought back online, allowing your business to resume operations as soon as possible.
  3. Minimal level of operation: Even during a disaster, it’s important for your organization to continue functioning at a minimal level. A DRP helps ensure that essential functions can be carried out, allowing your business to serve customers and fulfill obligations.

Additionally, a DRP helps your organization meet compliance requirements by providing a clear roadmap to recovery in the event of an incident. It also demonstrates your commitment to risk management and can give you a competitive edge in the market.

Implementing a disaster recovery plan is a proactive measure that can safeguard your organization from potential data loss, system downtime, and financial losses. By taking the time to develop a comprehensive plan and regularly test and update it, you can ensure that your organization is well-prepared to navigate unexpected incidents and continue operating successfully.

Having a disaster recovery plan in place is essential for protecting your organization’s data, ensuring system functionality, and minimizing the impact of an incident. In the next sections, we will explore different types of disaster recovery plans and discuss the considerations and steps involved in building an effective plan.

Types of Disaster Recovery Plans

Disaster recovery plans (DRPs) play a crucial role in ensuring organizations can effectively recover from unplanned incidents and minimize downtime. These plans can be tailored to specific environments, taking into account the unique needs and requirements of each organization. Let’s take a closer look at some of the commonly used types of disaster recovery plans:

  • Virtualized Disaster Recovery Plan: Leveraging virtualization technology, this type of plan offers efficient and straightforward disaster recovery with quick application recovery. By utilizing virtual machines, organizations can ensure seamless operations and minimal disruption in the event of a disaster.
  • Network Disaster Recovery Plan: Networks form the backbone of modern organizations, and any disruption can have severe consequences. A network disaster recovery plan focuses specifically on recovering complex networks and requires detailed step-by-step procedures to restore connectivity and functionality.
  • Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan: Cloud-based disaster recovery plans offer a range of benefits, including space-, time-, and cost-efficiency. From simple file backup procedures to complete replication in the cloud, organizations can leverage the scalability and flexibility of cloud technologies to ensure their critical data is protected and easily recoverable.
  • Data Center Disaster Recovery Plan: Data centers are at the heart of many organizations’ operations, housing critical infrastructure and valuable data. A data center disaster recovery plan focuses specifically on the facility and infrastructure, including an operational risk assessment and an analysis of key components to ensure continuity of operations.

Each type of disaster recovery plan serves a unique purpose and addresses specific challenges that organizations may face. By implementing the appropriate plan based on their needs, organizations can ensure they have the necessary measures in place to recover swiftly and resume normal operations in the face of adversity.

Recovery Plan Considerations

When developing a recovery plan, you need to consider several factors to ensure its effectiveness. These considerations include:

  1. Recovery Time Objective (RTO): The RTO specifies the maximum amount of downtime your critical applications can tolerate. It helps determine how quickly you need to recover your systems and resume operations.
  2. Recovery Point Objective (RPO): The RPO defines the maximum acceptable age of the files that must be recovered. It helps determine how frequently you need to back up your data to minimize data loss.
  3. Budget: Consider the financial resources available for implementing and maintaining your recovery plan. It’s important to allocate sufficient funds for hardware, software, and personnel.
  4. Insurance Coverage: Evaluate your insurance policies to determine if they provide adequate coverage for data loss and system downtime. This can help mitigate potential financial losses.
  5. Resources: Assess the availability of internal and external resources, including skilled personnel, facilities, and infrastructure, to support your recovery plan.
  6. Management Team: Involve key stakeholders and decision-makers from the management team in the planning process. Their input and support are crucial for successful plan implementation.
  7. Technology: Consider the technology infrastructure required to support your recovery plan, including hardware, software, and network capabilities.
  8. Data Storage: Determine the most suitable data storage options for your backup and recovery needs, such as on-premises storage, cloud storage, or a combination of both.
  9. Suppliers: Assess the reliability and capabilities of your suppliers, such as data center providers or cloud service providers, to ensure they can support your recovery objectives.
  10. Compliance Requirements: Take into account any legal, industry, or regulatory compliance requirements that may influence the design and implementation of your recovery plan. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in severe penalties.

Management approval of the recovery strategies is crucial to ensure alignment with business objectives. Once the recovery plan is developed, it can be translated into specific disaster recovery plans to address different scenarios and ensure a smooth and rapid recovery process.

By considering these factors, you can create a robust recovery plan that aligns with your organization’s objectives and ensures the ability to recover critical systems and data in a timely manner.

Recovery Plan Considerations

How to Build a Disaster Recovery Plan

Building a disaster recovery plan (DRP) involves more than just writing the document. It requires careful planning and analysis. To start, you need to conduct a risk analysis and a business impact analysis (BIA) to determine the areas where you should prioritize your resources.

The BIA helps identify the impacts of disruptive events and generates the recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). These metrics establish the maximum tolerable downtime and data loss that your organization can afford.

Once the risk analysis and BIA are complete, you can begin building your DRP checklist. The checklist should include the following steps:

  1. Gather relevant network infrastructure documents.
  2. Identify threats and vulnerabilities to your IT systems.
  3. Review the history of unplanned incidents and learn from past experiences.
  4. Identify current disaster recovery procedures.
  5. Create an incident response team and allocate specific responsibilities.
  6. Present the plan to management for review and approval.
  7. Test the plan to ensure its effectiveness.
  8. Regularly update the plan to reflect changes in technology, processes, or infrastructure.
  9. Conduct audits to assess compliance and identify areas for improvement.

In addition to the DRP, it is essential to have a communication plan in place. This plan outlines how internal and external communication will be managed during a time of crisis. It should define the key stakeholders, communication channels, and messaging guidelines.

During the development of your DRP, you can use tools such as the Windows Backup Troubleshooter and DRP templates to aid in the process. These resources provide guidance and best practices to build a robust and effective disaster recovery plan.

Common Windows Image Backup Error Codes

During a Windows Image Backup, you may encounter various error codes that indicate different issues. It’s important to understand these error codes in order to troubleshoot and resolve backup problems effectively. Here are some common Windows Image Backup error codes:

Error Code Error Description
0x807800A1 Insufficient free space on the destination drive
0x807800C5 Network location unavailable
0x80780119 Problem with the backup location or destination drive
0x80780166 Problem with the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
0x8078012D Backup process interruption
0x80070002 File or folder not found
0x80070057 Issue with backup parameters
0x81000033 Destination drive or backup location unavailable
0x80070015 File locked or in use
0x800423F3 Problem with the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
0x81000036 Backup location not accessible or backup destination issue
0x80780081 Insufficient free space on the destination drive

Understanding these error codes can help you diagnose and fix the specific issues with your Windows Image Backup. When encountering any of these error codes, it’s recommended to refer to the backup log or backup report for more detailed information about the error. By identifying the error type and taking appropriate actions, you can resolve backup failures and ensure the success of your Windows Image Backup.

How to Fix Windows Image Backup Errors

Encountering errors during a Windows Image Backup can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to resolve these issues and ensure a successful backup. Here are some effective strategies:

1. Test Backup

Perform a test backup to isolate and reproduce the issue. This will help you identify the specific error and troubleshoot accordingly.

2. Review and Correct Backup Settings

Check your backup settings to ensure they are configured correctly. Verify the selected backup location, destination drive, and any other relevant settings.

3. Run Disk Check

Run a disk check to identify and resolve any disk errors that may be affecting the backup process. Correcting disk errors can significantly improve backup reliability.

4. Repair Corrupted System Files

Use the System File Checker (SFC) to repair any corrupted system files. Corrupted files can cause backup errors, and resolving them can help ensure a successful backup.

5. Update Drivers

Regularly update your drivers, especially those related to storage and backup devices. Outdated drivers can lead to compatibility issues and backup failures.

6. Install Windows Updates

Keep your operating system up to date by installing the latest Windows updates. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can resolve backup-related issues.

7. Check the Event Viewer

Review the Event Viewer for detailed error messages related to the backup failure. These messages can provide valuable insights into the underlying cause of the error.

8. Use the Windows Backup Troubleshooter

Utilize the Windows Backup Troubleshooter, a built-in tool that can automatically detect and resolve common backup errors.

9. Verify Windows Backup Services

Ensure that the necessary Windows Backup services are running. If any of these services are disabled or malfunctioning, it can cause backup errors.

10. Address Third-Party Software Conflicts

Determine if any third-party software is conflicting with the backup process. Temporarily disable or uninstall such software to isolate the issue.

11. Create a New User Profile

In some cases, a corrupted user profile can affect the backup process. Creating a new user profile and performing the backup from that profile may resolve the issue.

12. Verify VSS Service

Ensure that the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) is running properly. The VSS service is critical for creating consistent backups of system files and volumes.

13. Temporarily Disable Security Software

Disable any security software during the backup process. Antivirus or firewall programs may interfere with the backup operation and cause errors.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can resolve Windows Image Backup errors and ensure the successful creation of backups for your important data.

Windows Image Backup Errors

Error Code Error Description
0x807800A1 Insufficient free space on the destination drive
0x807800C5 Network location unavailable
0x80780119 Problem with the backup location or destination drive
0x80780166 Problem with the VSS
0x8078012D Backup process interruption
0x80070002 File or folder not found
0x80070057 Issue with backup parameters
0x81000033 Destination drive or backup location unavailable
0x80070015 File locked or in use
0x800423F3 Problem with Volume Shadow Copy Service
0x81000036 Backup location not accessible or backup destination issue
0x80780081 Insufficient free space on the destination drive

BDRSuite: An Alternative Backup Solution

When it comes to comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery, BDRSuite is the go-to solution. With a wide range of backup and recovery capabilities, BDRSuite ensures your critical data is safe and recoverable in any situation. One of its key features is image-based backups, which capture your entire system including the operating system, applications, and data in a single backup image.

With BDRSuite, you have the flexibility to configure backup repositories, create backup jobs with customizable schedules and retention policies, and monitor the progress of your backups. You will receive notifications to keep you informed about the status of your backup jobs.

In the event of a data loss or system failure, BDRSuite allows you to easily restore your systems from backup images. This ensures minimal downtime and enables you to quickly get back on track.

To ensure the reliability of your backup data, it is essential to regularly perform testing and verification. BDRSuite provides the necessary tools to test the integrity of your backups, ensuring that they can be successfully restored when needed.

Monitoring and reporting are crucial aspects of any backup solution. BDRSuite offers robust monitoring capabilities, allowing you to keep track of the health and performance of your backup jobs. You can generate comprehensive reports to gain valuable insights into your backup system.

Restoring your systems from backup is just one part of the recovery process. BDRSuite also helps you in testing and verifying the recoverability of your backups. This allows you to identify any potential issues or errors beforehand and ensure a smooth recovery.

Key Features of BDRSuite Benefits
Image-based backups – Capture the entire system in a single backup image
– Simplify the recovery process
Backup repositories – Organize and manage your backup data efficiently
– Easily access and restore your backups
Customizable backup jobs – Schedule backups according to your specific needs
– Define retention policies to optimize storage
Monitoring and reporting – Keep track of backup job status and performance
– Generate comprehensive reports for analysis and decision-making
Restoration – Quickly restore systems from backup images
– Minimize downtime and ensure business continuity
Testing and verification – Verify the recoverability of your backups
– Identify and resolve any issues or errors

Importance of Documentation and Monitoring

When it comes to backup errors, documentation and monitoring play a critical role in ensuring smooth operations and effective problem resolution. Documenting backup errors and their details allows for effective tracking, analysis, and future reference.

Documenting backup errors helps in identifying patterns, understanding the root causes, and implementing appropriate fixes and workarounds. It provides a record of the error type, error codes, error messages, date, time, and the impact of the error on your backup system.

Having a comprehensive backup log helps you quickly identify and resolve errors, saving time and minimizing data loss. It allows you and your team to accurately assess the severity of the errors and take steps accordingly.

Additionally, documenting the troubleshooting steps taken to resolve backup errors is crucial. This step-by-step record helps ensure consistency in problem-solving and enables sharing knowledge within your organization.

Regularly testing backups is essential to validate their reliability and effectiveness. By conducting test backups, you can identify any errors or issues beforehand and take corrective measures. Testing also allows you to verify whether your backup system is performing optimally and meeting your recovery objectives.

Benefits of Documentation and Monitoring:
1. Identification and analysis of backup errors
2. Tracking and recording error details
3. Effective problem resolution
4. Consistency in troubleshooting
5. Minimization of data loss
6. Validation of backup system performance

In addition to documentation, it is equally important to monitor the backup system regularly to ensure its optimal performance. This involves keeping an eye on backup logs, analyzing backup reports, and identifying any recurring errors or issues.

Monitoring backup system performance allows you to proactively address potential problems before they escalate and cause significant disruptions. It also enables you to track the effectiveness of the implemented fixes and workarounds, ensuring long-term stability and data protection.

By documenting backup errors and consistently monitoring your backup system, you can enhance your organization’s data protection efforts, minimize downtime, and ensure the successful recovery of critical data in the event of a disaster.


In conclusion, having a well-defined disaster recovery plan (DRP) and backup error troubleshooting strategies are essential for organizations to ensure the protection of their data and the ability to recover quickly in the event of a disaster. By following best practices, such as analyzing the error type, reviewing backup settings, performing test backups, applying fixes or workarounds, and documenting and monitoring the issue, organizations can significantly improve their disaster recovery and backup error resolution capabilities.

Utilizing alternative backup solutions like BDRSuite can further enhance data protection and recovery efforts. BDRSuite is a comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery solution that offers a range of backup and recovery capabilities. It supports image-based backups, customizable backup schedules, and retention policies, and provides monitoring and reporting features to ensure reliable backups. By utilizing such a solution, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss and efficiently restore systems in case of a disaster.

Regularly testing and verifying backups is crucial to ensure their reliability and availability when needed for restoration purposes. Organizations should establish a regular backup testing schedule and perform restoration tests to ensure that backups can be successfully restored. This proactive approach helps identify any issues or errors and allows organizations to take corrective measures in a timely manner.

In summary, a well-implemented disaster recovery plan coupled with robust backup error troubleshooting strategies and the utilization of alternative backup solutions like BDRSuite are vital for organizations to safeguard their data and ensure business continuity. By prioritizing disaster recovery and backup reliability, organizations can effectively mitigate the impact of unforeseen events and maintain uninterrupted operations.


What is a disaster recovery plan (DRP)?

A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a structured approach that outlines how an organization can quickly recover and resume work after an unplanned incident. It focuses on resolving data loss and recovering system functionality to ensure business operations can continue.

What types of disaster recovery plans exist?

There are different types of disaster recovery plans, including virtualized disaster recovery plans, network disaster recovery plans, cloud disaster recovery plans, and data center disaster recovery plans. Each focuses on specific aspects of disaster recovery based on the organization’s needs.

What should be considered when developing a recovery plan?

Factors such as recovery time objective (RTO), recovery point objective (RPO), budget, resources, management’s position on risks, technology, data storage, suppliers, and compliance requirements should all be considered when developing a recovery plan.

How can I build a disaster recovery plan?

Building a disaster recovery plan involves conducting a risk analysis and a business impact analysis (BIA) to determine resource allocation. It also includes creating a checklist, reviewing network infrastructure documents, identifying threats and vulnerabilities, establishing an incident response team, testing the plan, and creating a communication plan.

What are some common Windows Image Backup error codes?

Common Windows Image Backup error codes include 0x807800A1, 0x807800C5, 0x80780119, 0x80780166, 0x8078012D, 0x80070002, 0x80070057, 0x81000033, 0x80070015, 0x800423F3, 0x81000036, and 0x80780081.

How can I fix Windows Image Backup errors?

To fix Windows Image Backup errors, you can perform a test backup, review and correct backup settings, run a disk check, run the System File Checker (SFC), update drivers, install Windows updates, check the Event Viewer, use the Windows Backup Troubleshooter, verify Windows Backup services, address conflicts with third-party software, create a new user profile, ensure the VSS service is running, and temporarily disable security software.

What is BDRSuite and how can it help with backup and recovery?

BDRSuite is a comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery solution that offers a range of backup and recovery capabilities. It supports image-based backups, allows you to configure backup repositories, create backup jobs with customizable schedules and retention policies, monitor backups, restore systems from backup images, and perform regular testing and verification to ensure recoverability.

Why is documentation and monitoring important for backup errors?

Documenting backup errors helps track and analyze them for future reference. It allows for easy identification and resolution of recurring issues. Monitoring the backup system and its performance regularly helps identify any recurrence of errors or new issues that may arise.